Isaiah 60: 1 - NIV
Your achievements in life can make you great,
but what you overcame to get there makes you significant.
Almost everyone loves POPCORN. For many of us, the smell of fresh POPCORN can get our taste buds excited.
In fact, POPCORN is so popular that more than 17 billion quarts of it are consumed by Americans every year. This equates to about 58 quarts eaten annually by each person in the US. That's a lot of POPCORN.
For me, the smell of popcorn brings back fond memories of going to watch a movie with my grandmother. I remember how I was amazed to see the kernels of corn change into a tasty treat when faced with extreme heat. In the same way, when the seeds of our potential are transformed by overcoming the heat of adversity, we metaphorically SMELL THE POPCORN™.
Thus, my definition of a seasoned (mature) Popcorn Person™ is a person who, like the kernel of corn, grows to his or her greatest potential when faced with the heat of adversity. Unlike a candy bar that melts into a gooey mess and takes the shape of its container, a Popcorn Person™ defines and shapes his or her destiny by growing from a challenge.
This faith-based 25-minute message (perfect for small groups, church services and senior centers plus keynote format for conventions) provides life-changing secrets to turn a setback into a setup to rediscover your joy, purpose and passion.
Presented by Jerry LePre
Award-winning Journalist, AMAZON Top Ranked Author and Faith-based Speaker
(The POPCORN Concept is based on Jerry LePre's faith-based books SMELL THE POPCORN: 12 Life-changing Secrets to POP to the TOP and Beyond and THE POPCORN PRINCIPLE: 7 Biblical Truths to STAY at the TOP.)
Even when I walk through the deepest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
Psalm 23:4 - NLT
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God.
Luke 18:27 - NIV
When you cross deep rivers,
I will be with you, and you won't drown.
When you walk through the fire,
you won't be burned or scorched by the flames
Isaiah 43:2 - CEV
When faced with the heat of adversity, CHAMPIONS are forged by the fire while the others are consumed by its flames.
- Jerry LePre / The Popcorn Living Method
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